Where did the blog name come from?

The blog name is one that I have had for a very long time, my full name is Victoria and people shorten it to so many different things Vixen became on that my Uncle Tom calls me whenever he sees me. My mum and a few others shorten it to Vix. The name Vixen Fashion has always been a name I thought would be good for a fashion company therefore it just stuck for the blog too as I can keep it forever if I ever get my own company!

What camera do I use?

I use my IPhone mainly for photography because I always have it with me! I also use a little Sony Cybershot which I try and keep in my handbag as much as I can for shots! When I do a post on an outfit I usually get my dad to take the picture for me he has a much better Cannon.

Who designed the blog?

I designed the blog myself, as it is my first and still a fairly new blog I play around with the layout regularly to see what looks best!

Is your blog your job?

No, I blog just for fun. I work in the fashion industry and study at University so I don’t have all the time in the world, but I like to use this as my little diary and if people like to read it then that’s great!!

Do you accept samples/complimentary items?

Yes I do accept samples and complimentary items, but not because they are ‘free’ because they fit in line with what I like to blog about! And when I do blog about them they with be marked with a (*) to show that it is a freebie. I will also review/blog only my own opinion on the item and maybe a friend’s etc. if I feel like the item needs a couple of opinions e.g. if it’s a new product I’ve never seen or used before!!

How do you get samples/complimentary items?

Different ways. One way to get samples is to buy magazines with the little freebies in, company’s use this method to get opinions anyway by giving them free plus you can catch up on the latest fashion and gossip by buying the mag!! Another way is to use ‘sample sites’ sometimes they aren’t great and don’t have anything relevant or you have to answer 100 survey questions to actually get something but others are really simple and you get something out of it! Links below of a couple I use. Finally another method I use is emailing companies directly stating your interest in their products or a particular product and sending them your blog link asking them to have a look and see if they’d be interested in working together for something, it can sometimes be a shot in the dark as some company’s use their own bloggers or already have bloggers on record but what’s the harm in asking!?

Do you have any tips for starting a blog?

My tip would be to make sure you have time to do it. I work full time, plus I study, plus I like to attempt a social life and sometimes I struggle to remember to make time for my blog, so if you want it to become a profitable blog (where you make money from it) I’d recommend you have full dedication, if it’s just for fun, get posts up whenever you can!
Keep things relevant, mixing content can be good and bad. If you run a fashion blog and sometimes throw in some beauty and a couple of lifestyle posts or vice versa then great, if you blog randomly about things all higgledy piggledy people can find it difficult to follow what you are doing.
Pictures!! Personally I find it can be quite boring to read pages and pages of writing, throw in some pictures, its more interesting for readers and will break up long posts!

If you have any other questions please ask and I shall add them on or answer below!!

Hope this has helped! Peace & Love xx

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Welcome to Vixen Fashion!! Thank you for stopping by and giving me a read! If you're going to leave me a little note I shall reply as soon as I can! Hope you enjoy...Peace & Love...Vicky xx